Heroine explores individuality; fragrance used as armour, weapon, comfort and sensual vanquish. Be the heroine of your own story. Scented with this dynamic blend of dewberry, boudoir flowers and vanillic musks. A wash of violet suggests 1960’s cocktails and the orange has been blended with chic styling, hints of vitamin C effervescence and freshly squeezed juice.
Jasmine, rose, powdery heliotrope and the hay/amandine fluff of yellow mimosa come together in the heart of Heroine forming a plateau of flowers lit by orange from above. The dissolve into sugared orris, and vanillic musks is wonderfully articulated, any overt sweetness counterpointed by tonka and vetiver. There are subtle cocktail hints of lychee, kiwi and green mango and a simmering vanilla that smells at once of rum and cake mix. Heroine is sophisticated poise concealing a core of inner strength and adaptability, a perfume of graceful power.